Monday, April 30, 2012

All things fun

Easter came and went without a hitch, that is, if you don't place colds and GI bugs galore, into the "hitches" category. Quinn was so much more fun, this, his second Easter, than his first when he was merely a 10 pound blob of chub...sleeping, eating and pooping 'round the clock. Although, I guess not much has changed in twelve months, except an extra 15 pounds, his constant protesting (via shrieking) to play with all things considered non-toys, and of course, his adorable playful nature. I submitted this photo of him into the GAP casting call, which was brought to my attention by my sister. The next day, I went onto the site to see if my entry had gone through. I searched "Quinn" in the "baby boy" category. Nine cute little faces appeared, but none of them were MY Quinn. I was bummed, thinking that it didn't work...until I saw the >>next>> arrow at the bottom of the page, indicating there were 25 pages of 'Quinns' in the "baby boy" category. A Mom can dream....of a debt-free college education, right? :)
I decorated the usual "electrical tape" Easter eggs and have managed for 5 weeks now to conceal from my husband (underneath a constantly changing dishtowel) the blue dye that made its way into our granite. Of course, now I've blown my cover... We've also started making headway with a few house projects, including that bonus room featured in a previous post. Its identity is taking shape now that painting is complete. We settled on the color "stormy cove," a great shade of blue, whose name will, no doubt, be fitting for a soon-to-be messy playroom. 

 Quinn enjoyed his first real swing ride, thanks to some great neighbors/friends who took one for "team neighborhood" and purchased an awesome swing set. Upon first push, he had a few priceless belly laughs, the ones that make any parent themselves laugh. And a week later, as my house was full of painters and paint fumes to boot, with an overtired, nap-protesting toddler in tow, I strollered down to this same seat and discovered that this swing might just be my new best friend...


I've joked with my neighbor/friend to put a little box out, "25 cents/swing." If this summer brings many napless mornings, such as the one on that day, she could recoup the cost of that set in no time. We could be onto something...forget the GAP casting call, we could buy a set of our own and send Quinn to college on swing rides alone. Set up a lemonade stand and we might be talking a Master's degree...

Our little Quinn also has managed to sprout a couple of teeth...FINALLY! No need for baby dentures, as we thought might be a consideration after making it through his entire first year toothless. And it's a good thing, because the money we were thinking of setting aside for those false pearly whites has now gone towards replacing the window that my husband was forced to smash through upon getting locked out of the house....with our child inside. Yes, our boy has learned how to swing doors shut. And no, he does not discriminate. Locked door or unlocked door. Daddy inside or Daddy outside. It doesn't matter, he just pushes 'em closed. 

No one has to remind me that a blog is usually a frequently updated thing. I know, I'm okay with being a per diem blogger. Life is busy. Throw a walking toddler in the mix and it's even busier, more messy, and sometimes stinky too. I mean, when we're not window smashing and inducing sleep with swing rides, we're doing one of several other as equally fun activities. For example, toilet paper towers are good for at least fifteen minutes of entertainment. They can be big and tall and are fairly harmless. Take the individual rolls out of the packages OR go with a double ply, and toilet paper tower-making will be taken to a whole new level. On occasion, Quinn will rebel against an afternoon nap (and lately his morning nap too.) This can make for some very long days. Last week, we took part in another favorite past time which, I'm sure, is NOT condoned by the American Academy of Pediatrics. But, it is sure to make any sleep-rebelling child happy.....or just plain confused. I don't believe this requires any type of explanation.

Until next time....
"Don't count the days, make the days count." - Muhammad Ali



  1. hahahahaha I love the picture of you in the crib with Quinn!!!

    1. You must be mistaken. I only see a baby and stuffed animals. ;)
