Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Which way to the woods? The making of Quinn's 1st Birthday Party (part 2)

So, the story of the invitations goes something like this...do I make the invitations, or do I buy the invitations? I did my research and found some super cute 1st birthday invites from tiny prints. But, geezum, $1.25 per invite, times 20 invites, plus shipping. Surely I could make them just as cute and much cheaper, right? Well, 3 days painfully spent in my craft room, fingers near bloody from cutting, stamping and gluing (okay, maybe a slight exaggeration), 4 trips to the craft store, and....$85 dollars later, and here you have it, minus that white box! (I prefer not to have strangers show up at my doorstep.) Cute, yes, but a project I wished I had never started... until they were finished, stamped, and in our mailbox.

 I was pleasantly surprised that nearly twenty-five people had RSVP'd for Quinn's big day. We live two hours in a couple different directions from most family and friends, so we would have been completely understanding if not many people could attend. I had a very fun time trying to be creative and resourceful. Living in a somewhat rural area with land of our own provided just what I needed for some of the other decorating ideas. I used pine cones scattered around the dessert table, and tree branches placed in vases to fill some space. I used more of the moss to  add some color. I found this cute little owl at TJMaxx whose left lower button went missing on a day when Quinn was playing with it. Oopsies...

I'm not sure where I found this idea, I'm thinking it was actually a wedding website, but it's called a 'Wishing Tree.' Again, I used lots of branches, a large vase and moss to create a 'tree'. I used stencils, stamps, and that massively large roll of bakers twine to make little tags. The sign told guests what to do and, I think the pictures tell the rest. If even just a few of Quinn's wishes from his tree come true, he will be a very lucky boy. Just to name a few, he was wished "shiny white teeth," "continued drooling & mischief-making," "the ability to read the wishes," and lots of wishes for love, happiness & fun adventures!


A few days before the party, I finished making the favors above, chocolate owls adorned with, as you can see, that red gingham ribbon. The ribbon dilemma, which plagued me that evening at my dining table, while looking out across the street, turned out to be one of those hidden lessons, a silent reminder to not lose sight of the important stuff. My neighbor, who fought so bravely, left this world for a better place, just two days before Quinn's birthday. Her passing was a powerful reminder to cherish each and every day with the little life that motivated all of the ribbons, cupcakes, balloons and presents.

Quinn's party went off without a hitch! Many thanks to all our friends and family who came to celebrate. xo 

A few more pictures...

1 comment:

  1. Love Love Love the picture of our cowboy on his new horse that Pops made! Ride 'em Q!
